Globe Line Projects provides logistics solutions in the following areas


We offer comprehensive planning, the setting-up and the implementation of logistics solutions according to specific customer requirements based on years of experience in the provision of freight forwarding services in international transport focusing on the oversize & heavy transport.

We arrange land transport according to customer requirements

More than just container transportation

We offer air transportation according to individual customer requirements

For shipments of unusual size shipments or shipment with special transport requirements, is designed for our project oversized transport

Celní odbavení zásilek, pojištění zásilek, balící služby.

Globe Line Projects Ltd.

Průmyslová 1472/11

Prague 10 – Hostivař 102 00

IČ: 04317025 DIČ: CZ04317025 Spisová značka: C 245801 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze